The dhcpcd program is a DHCP client by PhysTech. We use a version of this program that has been modified by Olicom, and has been further modified by us.
Files needed:
Optional files:
Version 1.3.17-pl2 of dhcpcd (mirrored here, because this old version is no longer available directly from PhysTech)
A patchfile of Olicom's changes (created from the above baseline version of dhcpcd, for comparison)
Note that Olicom is effectively out of business with respect to network hardware. If their support archive becomes unavailable in the future, you can recreate their version of dhcpcd by downloading the two optional files above.
We use a modified version 1.3.17-pl2 of dhcpcd. This version is rather old, and is no longer available from the PhysTech download site. Note that Red Hat 6.0 may also include a RPM package dhcpcd-1.3.17pl2-1 that is installed please remove this RPM package, as it conflicts with our version.
If you have the krp-dhcpcd.tar.gz file from Olicom, uncompress it into a directory and enter that directory. Skip to the next step.
If you could not obtain the file from Olicom, however, download the two optional files above. Uncompress the dhcpcd-1.3.17-pl2.tar.gz file into a directory, and enter that directory. Uncompress the olicomdhcpcd.patch.gz file, containing Olicom's changes. Apply the patch, as follows:
patch -p1 < olicomdhcpcd.patch
This patch will duplicate the changes Olicom made.
In the directory above, uncompress the splashdhcpcd.patch.gz file, containing our changes. Apply the patch, as follows:
patch -p1 < splashdhcpcd.patch
Remove the files ID and TAGS, as they are irrelevant. Remove the precompiled dhcpcd executable, as it is out of date.
Compile dhcpcd.
There should be no errors.
Copy the compiled dhcpcd executable to /sbin/dhcpcd, as root. This will install dhcpcd. No other files are necessary.
Note that this version of dhcpcd has only been tested in conjunction with our ifup script.
Changes made:
Olicom added extensive support to enable dhcpcd to work on Token Ring networks. A new command line option has been added, -T, which must be given when using dhcpcd on Token Ring interfaces.
Files changed: arp.c, buildmsg.c, client.c, client.h, dhcpcd.c
We added support for WINS servers (NetBIOS-over-IP name servers). The dhcpcd output file has an additional parameter, in this format: WINS= containing an IP address of a WINS server. This support is automatic; no changes are necessary to the command line.
Files changed: buildmsg.c, client.c
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