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Of all the runes, this one has spoken to me the most clearly. I feel a special affinity to and respect for Thurisaz. Notice the symmetry of three:
Unicode | U+16A6 |
HTML | ᚦ |
URL (UTF-8) | %E1%9A%A6 |
UTF-8 | ᚦ (E1 9A A6) |
IDN | xn--9ve |
ᚦᚦᚦᚦᚦ ᚦᚦᚦᚦᚦ ᚦᚦᚦᚦᚦ ᚦᚦᚦᚦᚦᚦᚦᚦᚦᚦᚦᚦᚦᚦᚦ
Note the sharp angular features of Thurisaz. It is not to be confused
with the modern Icelandic character thorn (U+00FE).
Thurisaz is crisp, distinguished, and elegant. thorn, on the other hand, is merely sticking
its tongue out at you :þ
The official PDF file of the Unicode Runic script has an error: they chose to use a later rounded approximation of Thurisaz instead of preserving its original sharp angular appearance. Because of this, many well-meaning font authors have followed this flawed model and rendered their Thurisaz glyphs with this rounded appearance. This is true for Cyberbit, Code2000, and several others. (At least these fonts have the runes, unlike the default fonts from Microsoft!) I am still looking for a Unicode font that renders the runes in the proper way.
Need more Unicode font information?
View the rest of the Elder Futhark.
Krellan — 2004-10-26